Typically, we require 2-3 working days for preparation and packaging. You can expect to receive your order within 15 business days.
If you receive the wrong product, please contact our customer service at service@littlepinny.com immediately and provide a photo of the incorrect product. We will promptly arrange for the correct product to be shipped to you.
First, please check your mailbox to see if the item has been placed inside (sometimes mail carriers leave small items in the mailbox). If it's not in the mailbox either, please contact our customer service at service@littlepinny.com.
Typically, this occurs when there is a high volume of shipments in the logistics system, causing delays in updating. Please give the courier some time, as they will update the tracking information as soon as possible.
We have various discount activities such as free shipping, bundle promotions for some products, and the use of discount codes, all aimed at providing you with a more favorable shopping experience.
Unfortunately we are unable to cancel an order once it has been placed. This will allow us to pack your orders efficiently and to minimize errors. It is advisable to check your order before placing it.